Reconstructive Surgery


Varicose veins is a condition where veins of one or both the legs get dilated, enlarged and tortuous leading to heaviness and often pain in both legs while walking. This is a result of pooled blood in the leg veins instead of going to the heart, due to incompetence of the valves of the veins.,Risk factors include prolonged standing (occupational), lack of exercise, age pregnancy, strenuous muscular work and obesity.Long standing varicose veins lead to itching, brownish-black pigmentation of legs and in severe cases, non-healing ulcers. If treated in time, most of the complications can be avoided. Treatment of varicose veins has been made simpler with introduction of lasers. Lasers are used to heat up the vein wall causing it to collapse and close without causing damage to the surrounding normal structures.Endovenous laser treatment is minimally invasive, relatively quick, safe and mostly painless compared to invasive surgical procedures performed few years back. The recovery is quick and the patient can start walking and continue his routine activities on the very same day of surgery.

2.Arteriovenous fistula (A V FISTULA)

Patients with Chronic kidney disease are dependent on hemodialysis often twice a week. An AV fistula is a surgery performed under local anaesthesia where an artery is anastomosed (connected) to a vein so that blood flow increases in the vein and dialysis could be performed directly from the fistula. As a result, the patient is no longer dependent on the neck canula for dialysis and is free from its complications. An AV fistula is convenient and does not interfere with the routine activities of the patient. It is created at the wrist or the elbow of non dependent limb.

3.Management of NON HEALING diabetic wounds (DIABETIC FOOT ULCERS)

Diabetic foot ulcers are a result of inherent autonomic and sensory neuropathy,altered foot biomechanics and deranged blood sugar common in long standing diabetes mellitus. Inadequate debridement can make matters worse. Diabetic foot ulcers require specialist care with involvement of multiple specialties leading to optimal wound management. With proper management and procedures, even chronic ulcers can heal leading to better patient satisfaction and standard of living.Inadvertent delay can result in unnecessary amputations. Limbs can be saved, and amputations can be prevented with prompt debridements, proper blood sugar controls and adequate treatment.


Hand function is intricate and unfortunately it is very commonly injured hampering the routine activities of the patient. The spectrum of injuries varies from simple cuts to complex wounds like crush injuries, tendon, nerve, and vessel injuries and in severe cases complete amputation. Any Hand injury requires specialist care to optimize function and rehabilitation. Not only function, but the overall cosmesis of the hand plays a major part in patient satisfaction. Tendon, blood vessels and nerves of the hand or forearm are commonly injured due to cut injuries, assault or industrial accidents. They should be addressed immediately to prevent functional problems.
Any total finger amputations or amputated hand can be replanted if the amputation is minimally comtaminated, cut with a sharp object and if amputated part is preserved adequately. It is an emergency microsurgical procedure.


Congenital hand deformities like syndactyly, polydactyly, macrodactyly, and cleft hands are managed with plastic surgery procedures. Other hand lesions like ganglions, carpal tunnel syndromes, trigger fingers and other hand swellings are best tackled with plastic surgery procedures.

6.Skin grafting

Skin grafting is a procedure where a thin layer of skin form one part of the body (preferably thigh) is transferred to cover a wound on different part of the body of the same patient. It is one of the most basic and routine procedure performed in plastic surgery to cover any wound. The donor site, or the place from where the skin graft is taken heals without any treatment (except dressing) in 2-3 weeks. It is a useful technique to cover non healing ulcers, acute wounds and leucoderma (white patches on skin).


Burn wounds require urgent treatment to prevent delayed healing, resulting deformities and unsightly scars. With proper management scars can be kept to minimum and hypertrophic scarring can be prevented.
Scald burns are unfortunately very common especially in children due to their inquisitive nature to explore any and everything. The best we can do is not panic and pour lots of cold (not ice cold) tap water on the burnt area of the body and seek medical help as soon as possible. Scald burns due to hot water are mostly (not always) grade 1 to grade 2 with few areas of deep burns.
Collagen is considered one of the best dressings for grade 2 scald burns and has several advantages over conventional dressings.
1) Collagen reduces evaporative water loses from the wound.
2) Fewer or no dressing changes
3) Pain substantially reduces after collagen application due to fever dressing changes
4) Collagen forms an effective barrier reducing the chances of infection
5) Collagen dressing results in faster healing and reduces hospital stay.
6) Fewer dressings, early recovery and reduced hospital stay reduces the overall costs.
Burn wounds can develop contractures ultimately reducing the function of the affected body parts. Contractures are common across joints like neck, axilla, elbow, wrist and fingers. They are result of inadequate physiotherapy during acute burns. Splintage across the joint is of utmost importance. Contractures can be treated by releasing the contracture and covering it with a skin graft of a flap.


Oral malignancies are rapidly increasing and so are the advances in their management. Large cancers can also be removed which were considered inoperable few years back. Reconstruction of the lower jaw, tongue, nose and cheeks using plastic surgery techniques have significantly improved the standard of living of patients cured of the deadly disease. Reconstruction is done by a microsurgical procedures known as FREE FLAPS. A new jaw, tongue, cheek or a nose that is removed in cancer surgery can be reconstructed using patients own tissue. It givesthe best possible result restoring back the confidence in cancer survivor patients.


Bed sores/ pressure sores / decubitus ulcers are a common and difficult problem to treat. They are wounds which occur on the bony prominences in patients who are confined to the bed due to a long standing illness or in those who have decreased sensations due to any cause. Ulcers are common the pressure points like the sacrum, back and the head. Surgical cure is possible in selected patients, though they are likely to occur again and again if pressure is not relieved.

10.Facial bone fracture fixation (mandible /maxilla)

Facial bone fractures of the upper and lower jaw are common after accidents, falls or assault. If not aligned in time, the bones can heal in abnormal positions severely affecting the aesthetics of the face. Bones fusing in abnormal locations can also lead to problems in chewing food. Facial bone fractures if addressed in time will result in excellent aesthetic results and healing. The fractures of the face are fixed with titianium plates and screws with minimal external incisions resulting in excellent aesthetic outcomes.

11.Keloids and hypertrophic scars / SCAR MANAGEMENT

Keloids and hypertrophic scars are a result of abnormal healing. While hypertrophic scars can be prevented with proper management, keloids cannot be prevented and need to be treated aggressively.


Microvascular surgery includes repair and joining of small blood vessels or nerves of the body which may have been cut due to any trauma, under a microscope, with threads that are thinner than hair. It also includes advanced surgeries like free flaps. Free flaps are surgeries in which a part of the tissue from some part of the body (usually thigh, back or leg)is used to reconstruct defects in some other parts of the body (oral cancer defects, etc). Microvascular surgery is the state-of-the-art procedure which can restore the form and function of the body with acceptable cosmesis.

Cosmetic Surgeries

1.Melanocyte transfer for leucoderma patches (vitiligo)

Melanocyte transfer is the state of the art and a gold standard procedure to treat white patches on the skin. Leucoderma or white patches can be genetic due to vitiligo, naevus depigmentosus or piebaldism or may be post traumatic especially after healing of deep burns. Leucoderma occurs due to destruction, absence or due to function of melanocytes. In deep burns, the skin is totally destroyed, and the healed scars completely lack melanocytes leading to a white patch. In vitiligo, there is self destruction of melanocytes by body cells of the patient. In piebaldism, there is complete absence of melanocytes. All the above conditions can be treated with melanocyte transfer. Here a small thin skin graft is taken from the thigh and treated chemically to extract melanocytes which are then concentrated. These mealanocytes are then transferred to the white patches. Repigmentation results can be seen only after 3 to 6 months.

2.Liposuction and abdominoplasty (tummy tuck)

Liposuction is nothing but sucking away of unwanted resistant fat in the body. The abdomen, arms, thighs, back and chest are the common areas of fat deposition which can be managed with liposuction. Though large amounts of fat can be removed at a time, it is not an alternative to weight loss. Liposuction is just a technique of removing excess resistant body fat and not a technique to reduce obesity. Abdominoplasty is the procedure of removing excess fat along with the excess lower abdominal skin. Excess lower abdomen skin is a common problem after massive weight loss and after pregnancy.It is commonly performed in patients with excess skin in lower abdomen, those with rapid weight loss and those desirous of a slimmer abdomen.Both procedures are performed under general anaesthesia and requires one day admission to a hospital. Use of pressure garments is recommended for at least one month after the surgery.

3.Breast reconstructive surgery. (breast implant/ breast reduction)

Breast surgery can be aesthetic or reconstructive. Aesthetic/ cosmetic breast surgeries include those which are done to increase the size of the breast or those which are done which are done to correct ptotic (sagging) breasts. Breast augmentation or breast implants are done to increase the size of small breasts in patients who want the size to be augmented. This is done with the help of silicone implants. There is ample literature to prove the safety of silicone implants. Mastopexy is the surgery done to correct ptotic or sagging breasts. Mastopexy can be combined with implantsto correct the ptosis with the advantage of augmentation.Breast reconstructive surgeries are performed to correct the abnormal fat deposition, skin and tissue laxity that is evident after massive weight loss and childbirth. Large and heavy breasts are frequent cause of backache which can be corrected with breast reduction. Not only does it enhance the body but gives immensely gratifying results. A rapidly evolving role of breast reconstruction is evident in cancers of the breast. Total mastectomies (removal of the entire breast) due to cancer is a major psychological trauma to a woman. Entire breast can be reconstructed by using the patients’ own body tissue.

4.Rhinoplasty (nose job)

Rhinoplasty is the procedure done for improving the features of the nose. The shape of the nose is altered in conditions that can be genetic like, cleft lip and palate or can be post traumatic like facial or nasal bone fractures. Rhinoplasty It is performed under general anaesthesia with a very small incision that is almost invisible. There are various procedures that can be done in rhinoplasty that depends on the nasal patients deformity as well as what the patients wants to get corrected in his/her nose. It results in a beautifully shaped nose that complements the shape of the patient’s face. A beautifully shaped nose plays an important role in improving the overall aesthetics of the face as well as improving the self confidence in the patients.


Gynaecomastia (enlarged male breasts) is a very common condition seen in young adolescent males and can be a cause of considerable embarrassment to the patients. It is a completely treatable condition by liposuction. Liposuction is a simple procedure performed by plastic surgeons under general anaesthesia and takes an hour to perform. It is considered as a gold standard procedure and gives excellent results in gynaecomastia. The hospital stay and post operative pain is minimal. The patient can resume his normal activities in a day or two. Use of pressure garments is recommended for one month after the surgery.

6.Cosmetic suturing of facial wounds

Facial trauma, cuts and wounds are very common in children because of their curiosity and misadventure. Such wounds if left unattended can lead to very poor scars. If promptly sutured, it can result in cosmetically acceptable and superior scars. With proper management, the scars heal well and can be almost imperceptible at conversational distance.

7.Ear lobe repair and ear reconstruction

Split ear lobule is a very common condition noted in Indian ladies due to long term use of heavy earrings. Though harmless, it is cosmetically concerning to the patients. It is very easily managed with ear lobe repairs done under local aneasthesia. Procedure lasts hardly 15 mins and use of ear rings can be resumed as early as two months after the surgery. Use of “glues” and other beauty parlour procedures should be avoided as it can lead to allergy, keloid and cyst formation, and ugly scars. Ear deformities can be congenital or post traumatic. All ear deformities need specialist management with plastic surgery leading to an almostnormal looking ear.

8.Dimple creation

Dimple is depression appearingon the cheek while smiling. Dimple is considered to enhance the beauty and charm of one’s smile. It is a genetic defect in the muscles of face. They can be surgically created with a simple procedure under local anesthesia. It is a day care procedure and takes around 30 minutes to perform and does not require admission to the hospital.

9.Body contouring

Apart from abdomen, body contouring includes shaping the arms, thighs, back, chest and buttocks. Procedures involves removing the excess fat and skin and resulting in a more contoured, and youthful body. The excess skin is removed in a way taking care that the suture line is placed in a location that can be easily hidden by clothing or placed in the natural skin crease of the body. The procedure is done under general anaesthesiaand recovery time is average of 1 week.

10.Surgical tattoo removal

Tattoos look great but they can be a major issue if they pose a hurdle for admission to armed forces, police, or a major airline company. Tattoos can be easily removed surgically under local anesthesia in a single. Larger tattoos may need more than one surgery and some may even need skin grafting.Lasers is another alternative for tattoo removal but requires multiple sessions. Few tattoo pigments cannot be corrected by lasers and such tattoos can be corrected surgically.

11.Botox and fillers

These procedures are included in non surgical facial rejuvenation. Wrinkles are inevitable due to age and Botox and fillers is a unique way to reduce wrinkles in an aging face making the face look youthful and fresh. Fillers help in volumizing the aged face making clients look much younger andenergetic. Fillers is an extremely effective and rapid technique to reduce the volume loss noted in the face due to aging. Fillers can be safely used to reduce sunken eyes and nasolabial folds. Thin lips can not only be augmented but can be given a desirable pout. Recent advances have made fillers very safe and easy to use and its effect can be reversed. The effect of fillers generally last 6 months to 2 years depending on the product and the site of use. The canula used for the injection is very fine and the injection is almost painless. Botox is effective in reducing forehead wrinkles, “crow’s feet” around the eyes and depressed angles of mouth. Fullness in the lower jaws due to increase in the size of muscles can also be reduced by botox. The effects of botox last for 6 to 9 months and needs top-up to maintain its effect.

12.Chemical peeling

Chemical peeling is another technique to reduce facial wrinkles as well as freckles and unwanted pigmentations. Chemical peels as the name suggests are chemicals like gycolic acid, salicylic acid and trichloroacetic acid which are used to peel off the superficial sun-damaged dead skin. All the dead skin peels off slowly over one week and is replaced by healthier new skin resulting in a glowing and a fresh face. It is a effective way to remove superficial wrinkles and pigmentations. Sun protection and moisturization is mandatory after skin peels.

13.Scar revision

Scars are inevitable!!! Where there is a wound, there is bound to be a scar. All wounds ultimately result in a scar but few can be unsightly. Wounds sutured during childhood generally stretches when the person grows up. Some sutures wounds become hypertrophied or become keloids. Such scars can be removed or improved by scar revision procedure. It is a day care procedure done under local aneasthesia and certainly results in a much better and improved scar.

14.Hymen repair, Genital aesthetic surgery and vaginal tightening

Hymen can be repaired if the patient so desires. It is a minor procedure done under local anesthesia. Hymen tags are resutured to each other leaving an opening big enough for the menstrual flow to pass. This procedure does not require admission to hospital. It must be noted that the repair is likely to breakdown after excess physical activity. Genital aesthetic surgery is indicated if the patient so desires. This includes the procedures like removing the clitoral hood, decreasing the size of the vulva and/or the labia majora. Vaginal tighteningcan be non-surgical or surgical. Non-surgical vaginal tightening can be done with the help of lasers. this does not require any aesthesia and is completed in 15 minutes. Multiple sessions may be needed 2 weeks apart. Surgical vaginal tightening is indicated after the family is completed. It is done under anesthesia and requires admission to hospital. Above procedures can be of benefit for the sexual health of the patient and spouse.

15.Hair transplant, PRP and nutritional therapy for hair growth

Who doesn’t love hair?? Platelet rich plasma (PRP) is a technique of providing growth factors for hair growth which are prepared by using the patient’s own blood. Approx 15-20 ml of blood is enough for a single sitting of PRP. When injected directly into the scalp, PRP is proven to increase hair growth and stop hair fall. It is relatively painless and quick procedure and gives great results.
Nutritional therapy for hair growth is introduced few years back and is available with us to improve hair growth. It is scientifically proven to be of great benefit to initiate and maintain the hair growth without any surgery.

Minor surgeries

1.In-grown toe nail surgery

In-grown toe nails are irritating and painful to patients. They tend to occur again and again if not properly managed. They are often confused with fungal infection of the nail. They are treated with nail plate removal with nail bed excision. If managed well, they are less likely to recur. We are specialized in the treatment of in-grown toe nails.

2.Lipoma excision

Lipomas are localized collection and increase in the size of fat cells under the skin. They are harmless and most of them are painless. They tend to attract attention of the patient because of their size. Surgery is indicated when the size becomes of concern to the patient or due to aesthetic issues. In few patients, there can be multiple lipomas all over the body especially the upper limbs. Lipomas can be removed under local anesthesia with either Liposuction or key-hole incision surgery. The procedure is relatively painless and results in inconspicuous scars at conversational distance.

3.Corns and callosities excision

Corns are a common problem occurring on the soles of feet. They are extremely painful on walking. They are a result of improper footwear casing repeated pressure at specific points on the soles. The excision of corns can be done under local anaesthesia, however changing the footwear after the surgery is highly recommended.

4.Sebaceous cysts excision

Sebaceous cysts or epidermoid cysts are one of the commonest lesions of the skin. They are harmless and most of them do not need any treatment. They do not subside with medication. Removal of sebaceous cysts is needed when they get infected of when they are a cosmetic concern. Infected sebaceous cysts are very painful and can burst leading to pus discharge. Such cysts need urgent removal to prevent recurrence.

5.Moles and birthmarks excision

Moles and birthmarks are harmless localized pigmentations on the body. Some moles or birthmarks can be quite large. Such moles can be removed by punch excision technique. The resulting scars are inconspicuous at conversational distance.